Meaning of Healthy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Salutar is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language and is related to health, something useful and favorable to preserve health and life.

Salutary is a word with Latin origin wholesome, which means everything that is beneficial to the preservation of a healthy life, such as a healthy treatment and a healthy remedy.

You wholesome advice they are related to something that comforts, gives relief, that strengthens a person's mind or state of mind. Psychologists are professionals who work with the use of healthy advice, in an attempt to treat depression in their patients, for example.

The word healthy may also want to reinforce the idea of ​​fortifying the human body, with physical activity and increased strength.

In its figurative sense, salutary is an action that has a moralizing objective; one salutary influence, which helps in solving certain problems; uplifting: the wholesome effect of a good example.

salutary neglect

Healthy neglect is considered a kind of "abandonment" with little interference. The expression was adopted to define the relationship of England with the Thirteen North American Colonies, when they wanted independence.

With the law of salutary negligence, England would little by little intervene in matters related to the Thirteen Colonies, guaranteeing more economic and political freedom among the colonists.

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