Framework is a structure, the skeleton in the case of humans and animals, and also a set on which something is based and built.
In the figurative sense, framework is the ability to produce something. Have one theoretical framework it means having the intellectual basis or directions formed from the reading of a bibliography. It is the necessary instrument to understand new theories, develop theses or simply base an opinion.
The words that serve as synonyms for framework are: skeleton, carcass, structure, frame, sketch and preparation.
O bone framework it is the framework formed by the ribs and other bones that make up the chest.
geological framework it is the set of rocks in a given region, which determines which mineral resources are available for that structure.
conceptual framework it is a kind of grid of concepts used to break down a specific problem, to look for different solutions from more than one perspective. It can also be called framework.
Legal Framework
cool framework or legal framework
it constitutes the basic legislation, those laws and norms that are the foundation of all others within the legal system.It is from the legal or legal framework that jurists, legislators and lawyers will act.
O SUS legal framework, for example, is formed by the set of laws that determine what the Unified Health System in Brazil is and how it operates. It is provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, in the Organic Health Law (Law N. 8.080/1990), in Law N. 8.142/1990, Law N/12401/2011, Law N. 12466/2011 and Decree No. 7.508/2011.