Portuguese language (30)

Definition of Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figure of speech, classified as a figure of thought, which consists in exaggerating an idea with an expressive purpose. It is an intentional exaggeration of expression. For example: I'm dying...

Definition of Misconception

Misunderstanding is a masculine noun that means error, mistake, lapse and misunderstanding. Example: " The employee's appointment was a mistake. This means that the indication was an error, a mistake, a...

Meaning of Word

A word is a term, a word, an expression. It is a verbal or written manifestation formed by a group of phonemes with a meaning. From the Latin parable. Word is a set of articulated sounds...

meaning of eagerly

Eagerly is the mode of what is or is anxious. Waiting anxiously means that the individual is restless waiting for what will happen, and it can represent both a feeling of anguish and of...

meaning of antithesis

Antithesis is a figure of speech characterized by the presentation of words with opposite meanings. The word antithesis comes from the Greek term antithesis, which means resistance or opposition. Per...

Meaning of Overbearing

Prepotent is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin praepotens which means a very powerful and influential person who abuses his power and authority. Arrogance is a characteristic of many...

Vocative meaning

Vocative is a term of prayer – word or expression, which highlights the person or thing to which the word is addressed. It is always separated by a comma. Vocative is an isolated term within the sentence,...

Definition of Prosopopeia

Prosopopeia (or personification) means to attribute to inanimate (lifeless) beings characteristics of animate beings or to attribute human characteristics to irrational beings. Prosopopeia is a figure of...

Definition of Metonymy

Metonymy is the substitution of one word for another, when there is a relationship of proximity of meanings between them that allows this exchange. Ex.: The stadium applauded the player. Metonymy is a figure...

Meaning of Above All

Above all, it is a word that can be a noun or an adverb. When it is a noun it means coat, and as an adverb, it means " above all ", " mainly " or " especially ". When...

Definition of Unforeseen

Unforeseen is a word used to describe an unforeseen, unexpected or surprising event. The word unforeseen derives from the Latin term videre (which means to see) and refers to something...

meaning of eminent

Eminent is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin term eminens which means someone or something excellent, remarkable, that stands out from the rest. An eminent person is someone who stands out...

Meaning of Extend

Extend is a transitive verb originating from the Latin extendere, which can mean to open, stretch, dilate, spread, unroll, widen, develop, prolong, lengthen. expand. Depending on the context, the...

meaning of decent

Decent is a masculine and feminine adjective that describes someone or something that conforms to the rules of decency; it means convenient, proper, proper, neat, clean. A decent person demonstrates...

meaning of altruistic

Altruist is an adjective that defines an individual who practices altruism, that is, who is dedicated to others. Altruism is also seen as synonymous with philanthropy and solidarity. The term altruism...

Popular Meanings (44)

Definition of UnknownIncognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown a...

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Latest Meanings (42)

Adverb meaningAdverb is any invariable word that accompanies the verb, adjective or other adverb,...

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Latest Meanings (43)

Definition of PluralPlural refers to anything that is composed of more than one element. In Portu...

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