Portuguese language (31)

Meaning of Pejorative

Pejorative is an adjective that describes a word or idea that has an unpleasant, derogatory, and insulting meaning. The verb pejorar, in Portuguese, means to belittle or demean. With origin...

Definition of Labor

Labor is an adjective that relates something to the world of work. It is a concept that refers to toil, toil, toil. As for the etymology, the word labor is formed from the term "labor",...

meaning of tenuous

Tenue is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin term tenuis which means thin, delicate, fragile, weak or subtle. This word also serves to qualify something that has little thickness...

Definition of Polysemy

Polysemy is a concept in the field of linguistics that originates from the Greek term polysemos, which means "something that has many meanings". A polysemic word is a word that brings together several...

Meaning of Attendance

Attendance is a feminine noun that reveals the quality of what is assiduous, or has a persistent duration. It means frequency, constancy or regular visit. Originating from the Latin term assiduus...

meaning of ostentation

Ostentation is the act or effect of flaunting, that is, “presenting” or “showing” in an exhibitionist sense, being linked to pride, presumption or simply vanity. It's someone's act...

Meaning of Susceptible

Susceptible is a two-gender adjective that indicates the susceptibility of someone or something. Susceptible indicates the probability of something happening and classifies a person who undergoes changes and...

meaning of humble

Humble is an adjective given to a person when he does not have an appearance of vanity, and may know his own limitations. A humble person is a modest, simple person who expresses or...

Definition of hatch

To hatch is an intransitive verb, which characterizes something that arises and is instantly visible, that develops, appears or rises. It is a word used to express a culmination in the sense of something that...

Definition of Inzonal

Inzoneiro is a masculine adjective and noun in the Portuguese language and means affected, entangled, intriguing, gossipy and sly. An inzonian individual is a person known for provoking intrigues,...

Meaning of Opportunity

Opportunity means a favorable occasion, opportunity, convenience, represents the quality of timeliness. An opportunity is seen as an opportune event capable of improving the current state of a...

Definition of Ignorant

Ignorante is an adjective and noun of 2 genders in the Portuguese language, originating from the Latin term ignorant. Ignorant is a word that characterizes a person who is ignorant, uneducated, who...

Definition of Fleeting

Fugaz is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, originating from the Latin term fugax and which describes something fast that runs away or runs fast. In the figurative sense it means something transitory or...

Meaning of Equate

Equating is a transitive verb originating from the Latin word aequationem, which means to put into equation, appreciate, evaluate, ponder. The act of equating means thinking about a certain situation...

Definition of Obstinate

Obstinado is a masculine adjective in the Portuguese language that means stubborn, stubborn, dogged, inflexible, unyielding, persistent, constant, firm. Obstinacy is a noun and corresponds to...

Popular Meanings (295)

meaning of alephAleph is the name given to the first letter of the alphabet of the Semitic langua...

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Latest Meanings (294)

Definition of TrusteeTrustee is a legal term used to designate an individual to whom the court tr...

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Latest Meanings (295)

Definition of IlmoHon. is an abbreviation of the treatment pronoun “Ilustríssimo” used in officia...

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