Popular Meanings (144)

Meaning of GPS in Accounting

GPS stands for Social Security Guide, a document for payment of insurance collected by the Institute National Social Security (INSS), an autarchy of the Federal Government of Brazil, which guarantees the taxpayer The...

meaning of kindness

Kindness is a characteristic of the good-minded person. It consists of a quality of people who do good deeds. Grammatically, kindness is an abstract noun. From the Latin “beautiful...

meaning of gangster

Gangster is an English word for a member of a criminal gang, a smuggler or a thief. In Portuguese, it is written "gângster". It is a term derived from the English word "gang"...

Meaning of Underestimate

Underestimate is a verb that refers to the act of not valuing or giving due esteem to something or someone because you think it has a value below what it actually presents. Underestimating a person is the same...

Incidence Definition

Incidence is the quality of what is related to the frequency or quantity with which something happens. It is directly related to the regularity with which a certain action takes place or is incident...

meaning of lush

Exuberant is an adjective that defines something that exists in excess or abundance; that exists in great quantity; or something stands out for being peculiar, very beautiful, admirable. An exuberant person is one who...

meaning of being human

Human being (Homo sapiens) is the term used in science to characterize the evolutionary living species that differs from the others by possessing intelligence and reason. A human being belongs to the species...

meaning of Dadaism

Dadaism is a modern artistic avant-garde that emerged with the aim of breaking away from classical and traditional styles, acting in an “anarchic” and “irrational” way. Also known as Movement...

Flow meaning

Flow is the act or effect of flowing, of moving continuously, it is the constant flow of fluids in a conduit, it is the continuous traffic of cars or people on a street, it is the circulation of materials...

meaning of aka

Aka or a.k.a. is the abbreviation for “ Also Known As ”, an expression in English that means “also known as”, is used to give a better known meaning or name to a word or person...

Meaning of Paragraph

Paragraph consists of a set of cohesive sentences that serve to express a central thought or idea in a text. The paragraph symbol is represented by the graphic sign §, which represents the expression...

Definition of BSB

BSB is the IATA code of Brasília International Airport - Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, located in Brasília, Federal District. The acronym is also used with the meaning of Brasília, a...

Definition of Banzo

Banzo means a feeling of nostalgia that African blacks have when they are away from their country, it is a term of African origin. Banzo means to be sad, thoughtful, astonished. The term banzo...

meaning of HIV

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which in Portuguese means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS, also an acronym that comes from English ( Acquired Immune...

meaning of matter

Matter is any substance that takes place in space. From Latin, materia (physical substance) is anything that has mass. It's everything that has volume, and can be presented in a solid state,...

Portuguese language (35)

Meaning of Not YetHowever, it is a conjunctive phrase whose meaning refers to a situation of oppo...

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Portuguese language (36)

meaning of coarseCrude means rude, clumsy or something in its raw state. It's a term that applies...

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Popular Meanings (36)

Territory meaningTerritory can be a delimited area under ownership, whether that of an animal, a ...

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