Portuguese language (28)

meaning of acquiescence

Acquiescence is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means an action or effect of acquiescing, that is, agreeing, consenting or approving something. The word acquiescence can be used in contexts...

meaning of frenzied

Frenético is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines an individual who is in an extreme state of exaltation, who is restless or very agitated. The word "frantic" came from the Latin...

Definition of Fatigue

Fatigue is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means extreme tiredness or exhaustion, physical or mental, caused by repetitive strain or intense work. Fatigue is the inability of a...

Definition of Proactive

Proactive or proactive is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines someone who acts in advance, avoiding or solving future situations and problems. The act of a proactive person, called a...

Definition of Ethereal

Etéreo or Etérea is an adjective in Portuguese that means relative to the ether, which tends to be volatile or fluid. It also has a figurative meaning, referring to what is sublime, heavenly or...

Meaning of Except

Except is a preposition used to indicate an exception or exclusion condition. Before the New Orthographic Agreement came into force, in Portugal the word was written with "p", ie, except. At the...

Definition of Etymology

Etymology is the grammatical study of the origin and history of words, where they came from and how they evolved over the years. From the Greek etumology, etymology is concerned with finding the so-called etimos...

Definition of Onomatopoeia

Onomatopeia is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, belonging to the group of "word figures" and which indicates the reproduction of natural sounds or noises. Onomatopoeia is the process of formation of...

meaning of nefarious

Nefarious is a masculine adjective that means something ominous, causing misery or referring to a period of mourning and sadness. The word originates from the Latin nefastus, which in ancient Rome was used...

Definition of Ignoble

Despicable means something or someone despicable, vile, disgusting, or insignificant. From the Latin ignobilis, ignoble is a masculine or feminine adjective. The word is also used to define something that is not...

Definition of Irrefutable

Irrefutable, from the Latin irrefutabilis, is a masculine and feminine adjective that means something that is indisputable or that has already been proven and there is no way to prove otherwise. This term is used many...

Meaning of Postpone

To postpone is a transitive verb originating from the Latin postergare, which means to postpone, delay, leave behind, not attach importance to someone or something. Some synonyms for delay can be...

Meaning of Authentic

Authentic means true, legitimate and genuine. It is an adjective that characterizes that which leaves no doubts, in which there is authenticity, which is not false, which is real, positive. Authentic is the...

meaning of anagram

Anagram is a noun meaning a word or phrase that is constructed by changing the letters of another word or phrase. Originating in Greek, the prefix ana indicates returning or repeating...

Meaning of Antonym

Antonym is a masculine noun or adjective that describes a word that has an opposite meaning to another word. For example: expensive is the antonym of cheap. The antonym is the opposite of...

Latest Meanings (189)

meaning of excellentExcellent is an adjective that qualifies something that is very good and of g...

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Popular Meanings (190)

meaning of silhouetteSilhouette is a feminine noun that means profile, outline, or indicates a si...

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Popular Meanings (192)

ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute)The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) is a law (Law 8.069/1990...

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