Popular Meanings (49)

Definition of Disease

Disease is a set of specific signs and symptoms that affect a living being, altering its normal state of health. The word is of Latin origin, where “dolentia” means “pain,...

meaning of life

Life means existence. From the Latin “vita”, which refers to life. It is the state of ceaseless activity common to organized beings. It is the period between birth and death. By extension...

Definition of Craft Bones

Bones of the trade is a popular expression, very frequently used, whose meaning alludes to the performance of an unpleasant activity inherent to a certain profession or task. The inclusion of the word...

Definition of Transfer

Transfer (or transfer) is related to the act of transport. The most common meaning associated with the term is the transfer of the mortal remains of a person, or from one grave to another, or even from a...

Definition of Duplicate

Duplicate is a title of credit, whereby the buyer undertakes to pay within the period the amount represented in the invoice. Duplicata or trade duplicata is a nominal document issued by...

Definition of Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of the frequency, distribution and determinants of health problems in human populations, as well as the application of these studies in the control of related events with...

Definition of Gnostic

Gnostic is a term that derives from the Greek "gnostikós" whose meaning refers to something or someone who is able to know. In the Portuguese language the term is used to refer to one who is sectarian of...

Definition of Cornerstone

The cornerstone was the cornerstone used in ancient constructions, characterized by being the first to be placed in the corner of the building, forming a right angle between two walls. From...

Definition of Placebo

Placebo is any substance without pharmacological properties, administered to people or groups of people as if it had therapeutic properties. The word placebo comes from the Latin placere, which...

meaning of Fordism

Fordism is a term that refers to the mass production model of a product, that is, to the system of production lines. Fordism was created by the American Henry Ford, in 1914, revolutionizing the...

meaning of geography

Geography is a science that studies the human space in its various aspects: physical, biological and human. Geography also studies the relationship between the physical, biological and human aspects of...

Meaning of Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who takes the initiative to become an entrepreneur, to have his own business. He is the one who knows how to identify opportunities and transform them into a profitable organization. The entrepreneur is...

Definition of Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei means Lamb of God. Agnus Dei is a Latin expression, widely used by Christians to refer to Jesus Christ, after being sacrificed on the cross... The expression Lamb of...

Meaning of Charge

Charge is a humorous illustration that involves the caricature of one or more characters, made with the aim of satirizing some current event. The term charge comes from the French " charger "...

meaning of socialization

Socialization is the act or effect of socializing, that is, of becoming social, of bringing together in society. It is the extension of particular advantages, through laws and decrees, to the entire society. It's the process of...

Popular Meanings (47)

Hypothesis meaningHypothesis is the assumption of something that may (or may not) be credible, th...

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Popular Meanings (46)

meaning of easter bunnyThe Easter Rabbit is one of the Easter symbols, used to represent fertilit...

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Latest Meanings (47)

Definition of AbstractionismAbstractionism is an avant-garde artistic movement in which the repre...

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