Meaning of Par-q (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Par-q is the name given to the questionnaire that must be applied to the individual before he starts to practice regular physical activities.

The main purpose of par-q is identify possible limitations and restrictions on the person's health who intends to exercise.

Thus, with a detailing of the person's health history, they are able to practice the appropriate physical activities for their condition.

Clubs, gyms and personal trainers, mainly, use this questionnaire to draw a personalized training model for each person.

The par-q must be filled in by children, adults and the elderly, even before starting the preliminary physical assessment.

Typically, the questionnaire focuses on whether the person has a cardiovascular problem or a family history of heart disease.

Heart problems are one of the most worrying and limiting for those who want to start practicing physical activities frequently.

In general, the pair-q consists of 7 questions, and the answers must be conditioned only between “yes” and “no”.

Example of Par-q

The par-q questions can vary according to their application, but the essence of the questionnaire boils down to the same content.

  • "Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart problem and recommended physical activity only under medical supervision?"
  • "Do you have chest pain from physical activity?"
  • "Have you felt chest pain in the last month?"
  • "Have you ever lost consciousness or suffered a fall from dizziness?"
  • "Do you have any bone or joint problems that could get worse with the practice of physical activities?"
  • "Has a doctor ever prescribed you blood pressure or heart medications?"
  • "Do you have knowledge, through medical information or personal experience, of any reason that could prevent you from participating in physical activities without medical supervision?"

If the answer is “yes” to at least one of these questions, it is advisable to see a doctor for a complete examination before starting to exercise.

See also the meaning of Fitness and gym.

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