Meaning of Critical Review (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Critical review is a type of informative and interpretive summary on a particular subject, whether it is a literary, cinematographic, musical, etc. work.

The main characteristic of this type of review is the use of a critical tone, that is, the ability to interpret the most important points. of the theme and give an opinion on the matter, based on texts and information from other sources that may complement the argument introduced.

To make this type of review, the author must have a minimum of critical reflection about the subject reviewed.

Learn more about the meaning of critical reflection.

Critical reviews are routine work by academics and some journalists, for example, responsible for analyzing certain topics that are of interest to the public, as a way of providing of service.

It is worth remembering that in critical reviews, the reviewer's interpretation prevails. However, he must write his work obeying the impartiality principles, that is, without taking into account factors that are external to those presented in the reviewed work.

A good review should be objective and clear, easy to understand and understand for general readers.

Find out more about the meaning of Review.

Review Features

Among some of the essential factors for building a critical review are:

  • Present in detail the main information of the reviewed work;
  • Describe the structure of the work, as well as the focus of its content;
  • Compare information with arguments and points of view of different authors;
  • Critically argue the crucial points of the work (whether negative or positive);

See also the meaning of scientific text.

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