Popular Meanings (189)

Definition of Slurry

Slurry is a dark and acidic broth, with a typical and unpleasant smell, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter deposited in large dumps and landfills. The term slurry was used...

Definition of Linear

Linear is what is arranged in line. It comes from the Latin linearis, which has its origin in linea, which is line. In Mathematics, it is the element that is represented by a straight line and is made by lines...

meaning of yang

Yang is a Chinese word common to Eastern philosophies and religions. It is part of the yin yang, representing the light part of the symbol. Yang represents clarity and luminosity. Appears on the right side of the...

meaning of .com

.com is a top-level domain, initially created to identify commercial entities on the internet. With the popularization of the internet, the domain.com is no longer exclusive for commerce, becoming...

meaning of in sight

Let there be a view is an expression that means taking into account, just seeing. Some synonyms of this expression are: having in view, judging by, considering and taking for example. E.g.: The students are...

meaning of sequel

Sequel means sequel, continuation. From the Latin “sequel” which is the “act of following”. Sequela is a feminine noun that indicates the result, the consequence. In the medical field, the sequel is...

Definition of metropolitan region

Metropolitan region is the set of different municipalities close and interconnected with each other, normally built around a metropolis, a central and more developed city. The regions...

Definition of COO

COO is the English acronym for Chief Operating Officer, which means Chief Operating Officer or Chief Operating Officer, a position assigned to who is the right-hand man of the CEO (Executive Director or...

Definition of Keep Walking

Keep Walking is a term that means, in Portuguese, “keep walking”, in free translation. Keep Walking is the slogan of the famous Scottish whiskey brand Johnnie Walker. It is the most... whiskey brand...

Meaning of Mood

Mood is an emotional condition of human beings, related to their “state of mind”, mood and temperament. Unlike other emotional states, the mood is usually a feeling more...

Definition of Black Sheep

Black sheep is a popular expression used to represent the peculiarity of a person who is different from the others, that is, it is outside the standards considered normal by your group Social...

Significance of Where Judas lost his boots

Where Judas lost his boots is a popular Portuguese expression that is used to describe a place that is very far away, difficult to reach or even inaccessible. There are several expressions...

Definition of Sweating

Sweating is the act of producing and releasing sweat, which begins when the core body temperature is above 37°C. Sweating is necessary to control body temperature, especially during...

Definition of Solar System

The Solar System is made up of the Sun (which is at the center of the system) and a large number of other celestial bodies that revolve around it and are maintained as a physical unit for the...

Definition of Semiology

Semiology is the general science of signs. The word comes from the union of the Greek words semeion, which means sign, and logos, study. Semiology is an area of ​​knowledge dedicated to understanding the...

Popular Meanings (318)

Definition of LampiãoLampião is a type of lantern that uses fuel to soak a wick that is lit with ...

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Latest Meanings (315)

Definition of DietDiet are foods that lack a certain ingredient in their composition. It is an En...

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Popular Meanings (319)

Significance of September 11thSeptember 11, 2001 was the day of the greatest military attack suff...

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