Popular Meanings (155)

meaning of student

A student is someone who learns, is related to a student who attends courses, schools, universities, or any other establishment that proposes to teach. The word student is an adjective of two genders,...

meaning of Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu is a Japanese martial art that uses a series of different techniques and body blows in order to defeat or immobilize the opponent. Etymologically, the Japanese expression jiu jitsu...

meaning of puzzle

Enigma is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means something or something difficult to understand, difficult to define or to know in depth, and which is characterized by being ambiguous or...

meaning of rock and roll

Rock and roll is the name of a musical style that came from the expression “rocking and rolling”, which means “rocking and rolling”. This expression could mean "dancing" or "having sex". Yours...

Definition of Cow Hand

Mão de Vaca is a popular expression used to designate an individual who does not like to spend money, who is stingy, stingy, stingy. The "cow hand" is the one who deprives himself of everything in order to...

meaning of resurrection

Resurrection is a feminine noun originating from the Latin term resurrectio which means the act of resurrecting, resurrecting, returning to life. Resurrection is different from reincarnation because it implies...

Definition of Deforestation

Deforestation or deforestation is the total or partial removal of trees, forests and other vegetation in a region. The main reason that leads to deforestation in a given area is the...

Definition of Baptist Church

Baptist Church is a denomination included in Christianity, which has as one of the main doctrines the baptism of teenagers and adults. This Church has this denomination thanks to John the Baptist, who...

Definition of Begonia

Begonia is the designation common to several species of begoniaceous plants, of the genus Begonia. It is an ornamental plant, highly appreciated for the beauty of its flowers and leaves. Has the...

Definition of Podcast

Podcast is a digital audio file transmitted over the internet, whose content can be varied, usually for the purpose of transmitting information. Any user on the internet can create a...

Definition of Free Software

Free software is an expression used to designate any computer program that can be executed, copied, modified and redistributed by users free of charge. Users have free...

meaning of blogger

Blogger is a Brazilian term used to designate the individual who publishes on blogs. Blogger is the English term with the same meaning. Blogger or blogger are words that came together...

Definition of By the way

By the way is an idiomatic expression of the English language that in Portuguese means by the way or by the way. It is usually used when, during a conversation, one of the participants remembers...

meaning of tenderness

Tenderness is the masculine noun that indicates an attitude or attribute of someone who is tender and means sweetness, affection, affection. An expression of tenderness is very common among people who like and feel...

Definition of Fatigue

Fatigue is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means extreme tiredness or exhaustion, physical or mental, caused by repetitive strain or intense work. Fatigue is the inability of a...

Latest Meanings (245)

Meaning of Entering the pipeEntering through the pipe is a popular expression in the Portuguese l...

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Popular Meanings (247)

Definition of SmoothnessSmoothness is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of what is smo...

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Latest Meanings (247)

Definition of UnderemploymentUnderemployment is a condition in which a certain job is performed w...

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