Meaning of Volatile (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Volatile is what can fly that is flying. The expression is an adjective relating to birds that are capable of taking flight. The plural of volatile is "volatile".

Volatile, figuratively is synonymous variable, fickle, fickle or unstable. For example, in economics and finance the term is used to refer to stock market volatility.

In the area of ​​Chemistry, volatile is everything that can be reduced to gas or steam. A volatile substance is a chemical that has the property of evaporating at room temperature. Easily switch from a liquid state to a vapor or gaseous state without the need for heating. There are highly volatile products such as ether, alcohol, acetone, among others. The need to keep them in sealed packages prevents rapid evaporation. Inhalation of volatile substances can produce intoxication and adverse effects on the nervous system and especially neurological damage, sometimes irreversible.

in computing, the terms “volatile” or “non-volatile” are applied to memories (information storage components). RAM memory is considered a type of “volatile” memory, as all data that is not permanently saved will be erased after the computer is shut down. ROM memory and other data storage devices are considered “non-volatile”.

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