Meaning of Quinhão (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Quinhão is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means a part of something that was shared, divided. Normally, the share is the share or parcel that an individual receives by right when there is a division of something or material good, of which he was a partner or owner.

It is also possible to attribute a figurative sense to the word share, connoting chance, destiny or what someone is liable to receive in life.

The concept of share can go beyond the sharing of material goods, also defining activities or responsibilities inherent to each person in a work environment. In other words, the "fair share" within a public or private agency would be the individual responsibility of each worker, with the aim of contributing to the company's development.

hereditary share

According to the Brazilian Justice, the hereditary portion is nothing more than the portion that each person involved in the will will receive from a certain thing, that is, the part of the inheritance that belongs to each of the heirs.

Synonyms for share:

  • quota
  • fraction
  • portion
  • part
  • portion
  • installment
  • share
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