Meaning of Futility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Futility is a feminine noun in Portuguese that characterizes or particularizes a futile individual; character of what is futile, that is, one who gives importance to what is superficial and ephemeral.

Futility is a quality of someone who values ​​irrelevant and insignificant things or situations. It's owning or buying something that isn't necessary, just to position yourself in the status quo of a capitalist society.

Feminine futility is associated with the "dictatorship of fashion", where capitalist standards impose rules of beauty and are followed with exaggeration. Futility is in the act of spending hours in front of the mirror, choosing clothes and shoes or choosing to do activities that meet the individual's needs or priorities.

Human futility is when the human being has a banal behavior in a serious situation, worrying about trivialities or something that does not concern him.

In English, futility can be translated to futility.

Synonyms of futility

  • trifle
  • banality
  • frivolity
  • insignificance
  • trifle
  • trivia
  • vulgarity
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