Portuguese Language (29)

Meaning of Synonym

Synonym is a masculine adjective that classifies a word that, despite being different, has the same meaning (or very similar) to another. This word comes from the Greek synonymós, and according to...

Meaning of Ambiguity

Ambiguity is the quality or state of what is ambiguous, that is, that which can have more than one sense or meaning. The function of ambiguity is to suggest different meanings for the same message...

Meaning of Adversity

Adversity means setback, obstacle, difficulty. It is an unforeseen event, an annoyance, an annoyance, an impediment. Ex.: Everyone is subject to the adversities of life. Adversity is a...

meaning of semantics

Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words, phrases and texts in a language. Semantics is divided into: descriptive or synchronic - that which studies the current meaning of...

Definition of spelling

Spelling is the technique of using language as written communication, through letters, punctuation marks or ideograms, which represent each person's own way of writing. Spelling is a noun...

meaning of too much

Too much is an adverb that means too much, indicating something that is too much or too much. Some synonyms for too much are very, very, describe something that is above normal, or is...

Definition of Supra

Supra is a prefix of Latin origin that gives the idea of ​​superior. It is a word formation term that comes before the stem. Every word composed by the prefix “supra” refers to the conception of what if...

Definition of Uniform

Uniform is an adjective of two genders that qualifies everything that has a single form, which is always the same, which does not vary. Uniform is what has an equal relationship, which is similar, identical,...

Definition of Imbroglio

Imbroglio is a masculine noun from the Italian imbroglio which means confusion, messed up, messed up. This word is used in a pejorative sense, indicating a complex situation or...

Meaning of Agent

Deputy is one who has been posted before, who has been preferred, announced, or given in advance. It is an adjective that qualifies the one who is the favorite or who was chosen. The agent is the person who drives or...

meaning of indeed

Deveras is an adverb of mod o, which means "for real", "truly", "really". It is an expression used to emphasize what is considered a lot, in all truth. An example is the employment of...

meaning of kindness

Kindness is a characteristic of the good-minded person. It consists of a quality of people who do good deeds. Grammatically, kindness is an abstract noun. From the Latin “beautiful...

meaning of figurative language

The figurative language or figurative sense is a tool or modality of communication, which uses figures of speech to express a non-literal sense of a given utterance. THE...

Definition of Contingency

Contingency is an eventuality, a chance, an event that is based on the uncertainty of what may or may not happen. Contingency is the characteristic of what is contingent, that is, what is...

Definition of SIC

Sic is a Latin adverb which in Portuguese means “this way”, “this way”, “this way” “exactly like this” and “this way”. The word "sic" is written in parentheses,...

Popular Meanings (170)

meaning of uaiUai is an interjection used particularly in the state of Minas Gerais with the mean...

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Latest Meanings (169)

Significance of Potential EnergyPotential energy is the energy that is "stored" in a given body a...

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Popular Meanings (172)

Definition of StarvationStarvation is a state of extreme debility caused by lack of food, which c...

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