Popular Meanings (46)

meaning of easter bunny

The Easter Rabbit is one of the Easter symbols, used to represent fertility, birth and life expectancy. The rabbit is an animal that reproduces in large litters. Your relationship with...

Meaning of state of siege

A state of siege is a state of exception, instituted as a provisional measure for the protection of the State, when it is under a certain threat, such as a war or a public calamity. It is...

meaning of burden

Burden means weight, burden, an obligation that an individual has that is difficult to fulfill. Burden is a term widely used by the legal area, such as actual burden, burden of proof, etc. There is a proverb...

Meaning of Literally

Literally means rigorous, restricted, clear, according to the letter of the text. It is the use of an expression in its true sense. For example, the phrase “the man was starving” can have two...

meaning of atheist

Atheist is someone who does not believe in God or in any "superior being". The word comes from the Greek “atheos” which means “without God, who denies and forsakes the gods”. It is formed by the negation particle...

Definition of Virus

Viruses are small parasitic beings formed by a protein capsule that can infect living organisms (humans or animals). The term comes from the Latin virus which means poison or toxin. Because...

meaning of Pentecostal church

Pentecostal Church is a Protestant Christian movement that emphasizes the Day of Pentecost and that has some differences compared to other denominations. The Pentecostal movement...

meaning of meme

Meme is a Greek term meaning imitation. The term is well known and used in the "internet world", referring to the phenomenon of "viralization" of information, that is, any video,...

Definition of Klebsiella pneumoniae

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a species of airless (encapsulated), non-mobile, rod-shaped bacteria, the most famous of the Klebsiella class, being classified in the family of...

Definition of Streaming

Streaming is a technology that sends multimedia information through continuous data transfer using computer networks, especially the Internet. The advantage of streaming services...

Meaning of Critical Sense

Critical sense means the ability to question and analyze rationally and intelligently. Through critical thinking, man learns to seek the truth by questioning and reflecting deeply on each...

meaning of absolutism

Absolutism is a political regime in which only one person wields absolute powers, broad powers, where he alone rules, usually a king or queen. Absolutism was a period between the 16th and 18th centuries,...

Types of Knowledge

From the relationships that human beings establish with the environment, different types of knowledge that help you understand (or try to understand) the various phenomena that surround you and are observed...

meaning of baptism

Baptism is the name of the purification and consecration ritual that is practiced in several religions, mainly in Christianity. The word baptism is also related to the act of giving a name to...

Definition of Theory

Theory is the set of fundamental principles of an art or science. Theory is a synthesized opinion, it is a general notion. From the Greek theoria, which in the historical context meant to observe or...

Juliana Bezerra (History Teacher)

Bachelor's and Degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-RJ), in 2001 and Sp...

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Raphael Nascimento (Bachelor of Law

Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Faculty of Pará, Lawyer and Master's Student in Contract and Co...

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Popular Meanings (13)

Meaning of Language FiguresFigures of speech are resources used in speech or writing to make the ...

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