Samaritan is a word referring to the natural people or individual of the ancient region of Samaria and also to the language spoken in that region. Samaria is the name of a province referred to several times...
Salamaleic is an Arabic expression used by Muslims as a greeting, and it means: "peace be upon you". Originally, the correct spelling of this expression is Salaam Aleikum or...
Bachelor's is the designation of someone who has completed a bachelor's degree or the course leading to a bachelor's degree. For an individual to receive a bachelor's degree, it is necessary for him to do all the...
Comparison is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, which consists of the idea of relating two different terms in the same sentence, in order to reinforce or emphasize the message to be...
Apud is a Latin word meaning next to, close to, in. It is used in bibliographic references to make an indirect citation, that is, cite an excerpt that was not read directly in the work...
Merchandising is a word in English, being a concept in the marketing area that indicates a technique for planning and promoting a product, in the proper place and time. In English, the word merchandise...
Transcender is a transitive and intransitive verb that means to rise above the vulgar, to surpass, to go beyond or surpass something. According to psychology, transcending is related to...
Hadassah is the English version of the Hebrew name Hadassah, and means "myrtle" or "myrtle" in Portuguese. Hadassa is also the name of the biblical character Esther, whose name is also one of the books of the ancient...
Profane is anything that transgresses the sacred rules. It is what becomes contrary to the respect due to divine things. Grammatically, profane is an adjective that qualifies what is foreign to religion. Of...
Modest is an adjective that qualifies one who is moderate in his desires, actions and aspirations, who is not ambitious. A modest individual is one who is simple, unpretentious, who has no vanity,...
Syllogism is a reasoning model based on the idea of deduction, composed of two premises that generate a conclusion. The forerunner of this line of logical thought was the Greek philosopher Aristotle,...
Good Friday or Good Friday is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians, symbolizing the day of the death of Jesus Christ, and is part of the Easter festivities, which symbolizes the...
CTI and ICU are intensive monitoring units for critically ill patients admitted to hospitals. CTI stands for Intensive Care and Treatment Center and consists of a special area of the hospital...
Slogan is a short, memorable word or phrase that is often used in commercial, political, religious, etc. advertising. It is a term from English, whose etymological origin is from...
Energumenus means possessed, one who is possessed by the devil. It is a word of Greek origin energoumenos, which means demon-possessed. In the figurative sense, energumen is that individual who is...