Latest Meanings (65)

meaning of company

A company is an organization that carries out economic activities for commercial purposes, through the production and sale of goods or services. Also known as business activity, a company operates in...

Definition of Limited Partnership

Limited company (represented by the acronym Ltd.) is a type of business company that characterized by the participation of the partners through investments made in proportion to the shares of...

Definition of EIRELI

EIRELI is an acronym for Limited Liability Individual Company. It is a type of company that is formed by a single partner, that is, by the entrepreneur himself who wants to open a...

Definition of tertiary sector

The tertiary sector, also called the service sector, is the branch of the economy that encompasses the activities of providing services and commerce. The area is called the third sector because it is part of a...


Bauhaus was the most important and well-known school of design, architecture and fine arts in the world. Created in 1919 by the famous architect Walter Gropius, in Germany, the Bauhaus School revolutionized design...

Definition of POUNDS

LIBRAS is the acronym for Brazilian Sign Language, a set of gestures used by hearing impaired people to communicate between them and other people, whether deaf or hearing people. She has her...

Definition of Disability

Disability is any type of loss or abnormality that limits a person's physical, sensory or intellectual functions. Generally speaking, the term is related to a high degree of dysfunction of the...


The polymer originates from the Greek expression polymers, which means "many parts". It is a macromolecule formed by several other smaller molecules, which repeat and link along a...

Definition of Calla lily flower

Due to its white color, the calla lily flower means purity, peace, tranquility and calm. It is a beautiful and graceful flower, which brightens and fills any environment with joy. In some cases this flower is also used...

meaning of tied hands

Hands tied is a popular expression used to indicate that a person is being prevented from acting, from taking any initiative, from taking any action to solve or solve a problem. " Be with...

meaning of Pikachu

Pikachu is a fictional creature that belongs to the Pokémon universe, and its name means “sound of an electric mouse”, in the free translation from Japanese. To understand the meaning of the name Pikachu,...

Meaning of Hourglass

Hourglass is a device used to measure the fraction of a time. A classic hourglass consists of two conical compartments, made of glass, which communicate with each other through an apex...

Significance of the Pyramid of Maslow

The Maslow Pyramid or Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a concept created by the American psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, who determines the conditions necessary for each human being...

Meaning of SS (Schutzstaffel)

Schutzstaffel (known by the acronym SS ) is a German term that means “protection squadron” in Portuguese. It was a group founded in 1925, with the objective of protecting Adolf Hitler and the leaders...

Definition of Quartz

Quartz is considered the most abundant mineral on Earth. Its best known form is quartz crystals, like pieces of broken glass. Quartz formations are part of a...

Popular Expressions (8)

Definition of Columbus EggColumbus' Egg is a popular expression that means that something very di...

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Popular Expressions (5)

Meaning of Paying the DuckPaying the duck is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, use...

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Popular Expressions (9)

Definition of The snake will smokeThe snake will smoke is a popular expression that means somethi...

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