Meaning of Linear (What it is, Concept and Definition)

linear is what is arranged in line.

comes from latin linearis, which has its origin in line, which is line.

In Mathematics, it is the element that is represented by a straight line and is made up of geometric lines. It is also what has only one dimension, no volume or depth. And also the name of the first-degree function: linear function.

The word linear also defines what is done bluntly, that which is straight and direct.

For example: "she left no room for confusion, the argument was linear".

Linear thinking, or linear reasoning, is the way of thinking and being able to express your thoughts in a constant and regular way.

Linear thinking has a beginning, a middle and an end. In other words, it starts from an event that triggers several points, cons and pros, until reaching a conclusion.

From this definition, there is also the expression linear story, or linear plot, which includes those in which the development of the narrative follows a sequence.

In Botany, linear is the long, narrow leaf, like those of the grass family.

A synonym for Linear is clear, or even straightforward.

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