Latest Meanings (268)

meaning of liking

Liker is a direct transitive verb that has a very broad meaning. From the Latin “gustare”, which means, in the broadest sense, “to take a taste for”. Liking is the act of considering something,...

Definition of Urea

Urea is a substance produced in the liver from ammonia, resulting from the metabolism of proteins, which is eliminated through the urine. Chemically it is classified as an amide, which is why it is considered...

Definition of Wilderness

Wilderness is a noun that names a place uninhabited, deserted, uninhabited, open, with no inhabitant, withdrawn. Wilderness is an adjective that means solitary, abandoned, isolated, that is given over to...

Definition of Wilderness

A desolate place is a desert place, an open place, inhospitable, without inhabitants, which causes fear and insecurity. Wilderness is a word that comes from the Greek éremos, and the Latin “eremu”, which means...

Definition of FOB

FOB is an acronym that identifies an expression in English Free On Board, which means "Free on board". The FOB is one of the norms established by Incoterms and is related to the commercial exchange of a...

Meaning of Anointing

Anoint is a transitive verb that means the action of anointing with oil or applying oily and aromatic substances. In the figurative sense to anoint is to confer power or dignity on those they think...

Definition of Anxiety

Anxiety is a psychic state of apprehension or fear caused by anticipation of an unpleasant or dangerous situation. The word "anxiety" comes from the Latin anxietas, which means "anguish",...

meaning of cheapskate

Muquirana is a feminine noun originating from the Tupi term moki'rana which means louse. Muquirana can also be synonymous with dirt, or can be used to qualify a greedy person. Muquirana is...

meaning of twelfth

Twelfth is a masculine adjective or noun that ranks something or someone that ranks twelfth in a series. It can also be a fraction that indicates the twelfth part of some...

Definition of solid waste

Solid waste is all materials that result from human activities and that can often be used both for recycling and for reuse. The name "waste...

Definition of Knockout

Knockout is an expression originating from the English knockout, quite common in fighting sports such as boxing and MMA. The athlete who causes the knockout removes his opponent from the fight, thus conquering the victory. THE...

meaning of kelvin

Kelvin is the name given to the basic unit of thermodynamic temperature, according to the International System of Units. The temperature of 1 Kelvin corresponds to -272.15°C (celsius) and -457.87°F...

Meaning of Ratify

Ratifying means confirming, validating or reaffirming something that was said or promised. For example: "I will ratify what I just said". "The President has ratified his position on the war." "The student ratified...

Meaning of Rectify

To rectify means to correct something that was said or done, to go back and straighten it out, to make it straight or right. The term is used in different contexts, being the most common when it has the meaning of correcting,...

Definition of FOB and CIF

The meaning of the acronyms FOB and CIF is related to the payment of freight in the maritime transport of goods. These acronyms are used to distinguish between buyer and supplier who bears the...

Latest Meanings (169)

Significance of Potential EnergyPotential energy is the energy that is "stored" in a given body a...

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Popular Meanings (172)

Definition of StarvationStarvation is a state of extreme debility caused by lack of food, which c...

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Latest Meanings (170)

Definition of AppellantRecurrent is an adjective that qualifies what happens again after having a...

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