Popular Meanings (265)

meaning of hand on the wheel

Hand on the wheel is an informal expression used to designate a valuable aid. A very common synonym for "hand on the wheel" is "break the branch", which has the same meaning as when...

meaning of me find

Mim acher is a slang that appeared on the internet and became very popular on social networks. It means "find me" and is often used to represent going out to a party or to show that a certain person...

Definition of Iron Curtain

Iron curtain is an expression that refers to the division of Western Europe from Eastern Europe in the period known as the Cold War. This famous expression was said during the speech made by...

Definition of Nylon

Nylon (or nylon in Portuguese) is a synthetic fiber obtained through chemical combinations. Wallace Hume Carothers was the creator of this material that belongs to the same group of polyamides. A fabric...

Definition of Legal Nature

The legal nature is a concept that seeks to explain the principle or essence of a legal institute, that is, of a measure, situation or fact that exists in Law. For example: the concepts of...

Meaning of Period

Period is the period of time between two different events or dates. It can also be understood as a specific phase, epoch or duration, with a beginning, middle and end. In geological studies and...

Definition of Garbo

Garbo means elegance, distinction, grace, good looks, good bearing, gallantry. To be dapper is to be slender, well-groomed, to be showy, elegant, to dress well, to be impeccable. Garbo is a...

Meaning of cultural appropriation

Cultural appropriation is the use of elements typical of a given culture by people belonging to a different cultural group. This is a concept of anthropology and one that is the subject of many debates,...

Meaning of Appreciation

Appreciation is the act of appreciating, evaluating the situation or condition of something, in order to analyze, judge and observe a certain thing. In order to appreciate something, a person needs to dedicate a lot...

meaning of jaburu

Jaburu is known in Brazil as a slang for very ugly woman or person who is clumsy and strange, but which also calls a species of bird ( Jabiru mycteria ) characterized by having the plumage...

meaning of per se

Per se is a Latin phrase that means by itself, by itself or by itself. This expression is quite common in philosophy and law. Often, the use of expressions in Latin is...

meaning of executioner

The executioner is related to the behavior of an individual considered cruel, who is capable of practicing inhumane and abominable attitudes. The executioner can also be the name given to the person who is responsible for the execution...

meaning of future

Porvir is a masculine noun that means future, what is yet to come or happen. Some synonyms for future can be future and posterity. Porvir in the Anthem of the Proclamation of the Republic Porvir...

Definition of Secret Friend

Secret Friend is a very traditional game, which usually takes place around Christmas time, and consists of exchanging gifts with other people, but they do not know who took them and what will to win...

meaning of feat

Proeza is a feminine noun meaning to accomplish something unusual, difficult, or never done before. It is also used ironically when someone does something really stupid or shameful. As in the phrases: "She...

Popular Meanings (44)

Definition of UnknownIncognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown a...

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Latest Meanings (42)

Adverb meaningAdverb is any invariable word that accompanies the verb, adjective or other adverb,...

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Latest Meanings (43)

Definition of PluralPlural refers to anything that is composed of more than one element. In Portu...

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