Popular Meanings (53)

Meaning of Paper Weddings (1 year of marriage)

Paper wedding is the name given to the celebration of the first year of marriage. Each wedding anniversary is associated with the material and this name starts to represent the date. Paper, for example, symbolizes the...

Meaning of Discernment

Discernment is a masculine noun meaning the act of discerning or appreciating something. It is synonymous with criterion, choice, reflection. This word has its origins in Latin...

Definition of Chronic Disease

Chronic disease is a disease that persists for periods longer than six months and does not resolve in a short period of time. Examples of chronic diseases are: diabetes, Alzheimer's disease,...

Audit meaning

Audit is a systematic examination of activities carried out in a given company or sector, which is intended to ascertain whether they are in accordance with the planned provisions and/or established...

Definition of Eagle

The meaning of the eagle is often associated with courage and strength. She is called the “queen of the heavens” or the “queen of birds” for her sovereignty, beauty and grandeur. In Greek mythology, the eagle is...

Definition of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is an expression in English usually translated into Portuguese as outsourcing. In the business world, outsourcing is a process used by a company in which another organization is...

meaning of wisdom

Wisdom is the feminine noun that is characteristic of a wise person and that means an extensive and deep knowledge of various things or a particular topic. Wisdom is often...

meaning of caste

Caste is a traditional, hereditary or social system of stratification, under the law and based on classifications such as race, culture, professional occupation, religion, etc. Caste in...

Meaning of CEP

CEP is the acronym for Postal Address Code, created and used by Correios to facilitate the forwarding and delivery of correspondence to recipients. The zip code is information...

Definition of Tumblr

Tumblr is a social network on a blog platform, where users can share and interact with publications in different formats (audio, video, text, images, gifs, etc.). In a synthetic way, the...

Meaning of Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes are the shapes of things around us. For example, a ball is the geometric shape of a circle, a square table is the geometric shape of a square, among others. Normally...

meaning of ostracism

Ostracism means isolation or exclusion. It is a term from ancient Greece and was a form of punishment applied to citizens suspected of exercising excessive power and restriction of freedom...

Definition of Public Administration

Public administration is a concept in the area of ​​law that describes the set of agents, services and bodies instituted by the State with the objective of managing certain areas of a society,...

Meaning of property tax

IPTU is the acronym for Urban Property and Land Tax, which is a Brazilian tax levied on people who own an urban real estate property, such as an apartment, office space, house or other...

Meaning of Hallelujah Saturday

Hallelujah Saturday is Holy Week Saturday, the first day after the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ and the day before Easter Sunday. Hallelujah Saturday or Holy Saturday is a moving date,...

Latest Meanings (16)

What is news?News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads...

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Latest Meanings (17)

12 examples of cooperative gamesCooperative games are a form of game or sport in which players wo...

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Latest Meanings (18)

Understand what cultural diversity isCultural diversity are the various aspects that particularly...

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