Pedro Menezes (Professor of Philosophy)

Degree in Philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2009) and Master in Education Science, in the field "Education, Communities and Social Change", at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto - FPCEUP (2020), in Portugal.

He was a professor of Philosophy in High School (SEEDUC-RJ), between 2010 and 2018, and in Elementary School II (SMECE - Seropédica - RJ), between 2015 and 2018. Served as Deputy Director of C. AND. Minister Orozimbo Nonato in 2017 and 2018.

Participated as a scholarship holder at the Laboratory for Licensing and Research on the Teaching of Philosophy (LLPEFil - UERJ) in 2007 and 2008. He took courses in the area of ​​Education and New Technologies.


Philosophy is an area of ​​knowledge dedicated to the construction of logical and rational knowledge. Philosophy produces systematic knowledge from argumentation and the creation of concepts. THE...

Common sense

Common sense is the knowledge acquired by people from customs, experiences and everyday experiences. It is a superficial knowledge based on habit, not the result of much thought. O...


Politics is the activity of governance, state and power relations and also an art of negotiation to reconcile interests. The concept of politics comes from the Greek politikós, a...

Professional ethics

Professional ethics is the set of ethical norms that form the professional's conscience and represent imperatives of his/her conduct. Ethics is a word of Greek origin (éthos), which means...


Metaphysics is a word originating in Greek and meaning "that which is beyond physics". It is an area of ​​philosophy that seeks knowledge of the essence of things. The common foundation of all that...

Cave myth

Cave myth is a metaphor created by the Greek philosopher Plato. History is an attempt to explain the condition of ignorance in which human beings live, imprisoned by the senses and...

Latest Meanings (230)

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Definition of anteater hugThe idiomatic expression “anteater hug” is used to refer to the hug or ...

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