Latest Meanings (8)

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meaning of plagiarism

Plagiarism happens when someone copies content produced by someone else without presenting the original source, that is, assuming the authorship of the work is theirs. Plagiarism is a type of violation of the right...

Definition of Follow Up

Follow up is an English expression that means to follow or follow up. When someone performs a follow up, it means that they are making an assessment of something that has already been done, to obtain a...

Definition of Bipolar

Bipolar is one that has two opposite poles, that is, two points that have opposite characteristics. Bipolar is also the name given to a person with contradictory behavior, since at times...

Understand what Common Sense is

Common sense is the knowledge acquired by people from customs, experiences and everyday experiences. It is a superficial knowledge based on habit, not the result of much thought. O...

Definition of Granuloma

Granuloma is the medical term used to designate a type of inflammation in the tissue of the human body, in the form of a nodule, formed mainly as a consequence of the reaction of immune cells what...

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Definition of Energy

Energy is the ability of something to do work, that is, to generate force in a particular body, substance or physical system. Etymologically, this term derives from the Greek ergos, whose original meaning...

Definition of Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom or Shabbat Shalom is a Hebrew expression used by Jews as a greeting during Shabbat (the 7th day of the week, corresponding to Saturday). Literally, Shabbat Shalom means...

Percentage (%)

Percentage or percentage is an area of ​​mathematics that indicates a rate or proportion calculated against the number 100 (per hundred), and is represented by the % symbol. It consists of a reason why your...

What is Enem?

Enem is the acronym for the National Secondary Education Examination and was created by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) to test the learning level of students who completed secondary education in Brazil...


The acronym PwD stands for Disabled Person. It identifies people who have some type of disability, which can be from birth or acquired during life. The acronym began to be used in 2006, when the...

meaning of judaism

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people and the oldest monotheistic religious tradition. There are 14 million Jews worldwide, and most of them currently reside in the United States. Tradition counts...

meaning of empathy

Empathy means the psychological capacity to feel what another person would feel, if they were in the same situation experienced by them. It's trying to understand feelings and emotions, trying to experiment...


Homophobia means irrepressible aversion, disgust, fear, hatred or prejudice that some people or groups harbor against homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. Homophobia can have causes...

Definition of Misanthropy

Misanthropy is the aversion and repulsion of human beings or humanity. The misanthrope (individual who practices misanthropy) is someone who feels uncomfortable with life in society, in addition to distrusting and...

Definition of Prejudice

Prejudice is a preconceived judgment, which manifests itself in a discriminatory attitude towards people, beliefs, feelings and behavior tendencies. It is an idea formed in advance and not has...

Latest Meanings (312)

Definition of thematic axisThematic axis is a set of themes that guide the planning of a particul...

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Popular Meanings (314)

Definition of DisambiguationDisambiguation is the act of separating the different types of meanin...

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Latest Meanings (310)

meaning of chicChique is an adjective of two genders originating from the French term chic, which...

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