Papyrus is a naturally common plant near rivers in Africa and the Middle East, but it can be found in almost every corner of the world. It consists of the raw material for the production of paper...
Caring for means caring, having dedication for something or for a person. It's having a special effort to perform some task Taking care of something or someone is the same as watching, treating with care, with affection or...
Shogun (in Portuguese shogun), word of Japanese origin that means Commander of the Army. Shogun was the title that the Japanese gave to landowners during the feudal period, in the 12th century...
The flag of Mexico is one of the main patriotic symbols of that country, used as a representation of the entire Mexican nation. This is a tricolor flag, formed by three vertical bands...
Accent is a graphic symbol used to mark the stressed syllables of some words. In fact, all words with more than two syllables have accents, however there are accents...
Acupuncture is a therapeutic method originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine, which consists of stimulating specific skin points through needles. According to Traditional Medicine...
STF stands for the Federal Supreme Court, the most important instance of the Brazilian judiciary. The jurisprudence of the STF is focused on protecting the Federal Constitution of Brazil, according to...
Arabic numerals, also called Indo-Arabic numerals, are the components of the numbering system currently used to represent numbers. Thus, the figure is a symbol used...
At least it means at least, when more is not, or when less. The expression is usually used accompanied by a new situation, indicating that something did not happen as expected. Per...
Inferiority complex, according to psychoanalysis, is the feeling that a person has that he is inferior to other individuals. Some of the basic symptoms that characterize the complex of...
Prospect refers to the condition of something that can happen, that is likely to happen. In addition to representing the character of what has future prospects, the word prospect can also be...
Objective law and subjective law are two distinct and interconnected forms of relationship with the legal system. The difference between objective law and subjective law exists because the word...
Treble is something very intense, sharp or loud. A sharp pain is a very strong pain. An acute disease is said to be one that is intense, that is already in an advanced stage of development. "The doctor said that...
Pro labore is a Latin expression and means “for work”, currently used in Portuguese to refer to the monthly remuneration of the partner or owner of a company. The pro-labore (graph...
Epigenetics consists of the modifications of genetic functions that are inherited, but which in turn do not alter an individual's DNA sequence. In short, it represents the non-genetic variations that...