Latest Meanings (276)

Definition of Unknown

Incognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown and that one intends to know. This word comes from the Latin word incognitu with the prefix in (which indicates negation) and cognitus...

Meaning of Attenuate

Attenuate is a transitive verb that means to thin or diminish the intensity, quantity, activity, effect, or value of someone or something. Synonyms of attenuate can be: weaken,...

Need meaning

Necessity is what is strictly necessary, that is, what is indispensable, what is useful, which one cannot fail to have or be. Necessity is a feminine noun that names what is...

Meaning of Bear

Showcasing is the action of showing or exhibiting with fanfare, with pomp, in public or private acts. It is to show yourself with ostentation, that is, with great luxury, splendor or sumptuousness. For example: He loves...

Definition of Volatile

Volatile is what can fly that is flying. The expression is an adjective relating to birds that are capable of taking flight. The plural of volatile is "volatile". Volatile, figuratively speaking, is synonymous with...

meaning of u.u

u.u is a widely used emoticon on social media that means indifference, disdain, mockery or haughtiness. Emoticons are phenomena of popularity on the internet. An emoticon is a form of communication...

Definition of Pedigree

Pedigree is a certificate of registration for purebred animals, primarily purebred cats and dogs and horses. Pedigrees reveal detailed information about the animal's ancestral line, or...

Meaning of Monopolize

To monopolize is a direct transitive verb that means to dominate, to have exclusivity for oneself, it is to stand out, to draw attention without giving the other an opportunity. For example: monopolizing the conversation,...

meaning of Gauls

The Gauls were Celtic peoples who inhabited the region of Gaul, which today corresponds to the territory of France. The origin of Paris is the ancient “Lutetia” (Celtic name, latinized – which means...

Meaning of Postpone

To postpone is a transitive verb originating from the Latin postergare, which means to postpone, delay, leave behind, not attach importance to someone or something. Some synonyms for delay can be...

meaning of fete

Quermesse is a word originating from the Flemish term kerkmisse, which means a benefit, with a bazaar, where an auction is held for the gifts offered. This type of event is usually organized...

Meaning of Fundamental

Fundamental means basic, essential, necessary. It is an adjective that refers to what serves as a foundation, that is, what serves as a base, a foundation, a support. Fundamental is something that...

Definition of Ownership

Ownership is an English word that means the state or act of owning something. It is synonymous with ownership, possession or domain. The word ownership is formed by owner (which means...

Definition of Desktop

Desktop is an English word for the main computer environment. Literally, the term has the meaning of "on the table". It was often used to designate a...

Definition of Puritan

Puritan means moralistic, rigid, austere. It is an adjective used to designate that person who is rigorous in the application of moral principles, ideas and customs, specifically regarding...

Latest Meanings (235)

meaning of okidokiOkidoki is an English expression used to express approval or agreement, equival...

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Latest Meanings (237)

meaning of popPop is an abbreviation of the word "popular", which is used in both English and Por...

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Popular Meanings (239)

Definition of hair stylistHair stylist is an English term that means “hair stylist”, in the liter...

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