Meaning of Sunitas (What they are, Concept and Definition)

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Sunnis are the peoples who follow Islam, known as the "People of the Sunnah and the Collective". The name derives from the fact that they claim to follow the “Suna”, or “Travelled Path” (name given to words and actions of Muhammad and his first followers), and also for claiming to follow the paths of the collectivity of Muslims.

The Islamic sects emerged after the death of Muhammad, in the year 632, in Medina, Saudi Arabia, in a consequence of the dispute between his followers for the leadership of the community, which plunged into a war. civil. For the right to succession from the Prophet, two major sects emerged, the “Sunites” and the “Shiites”.

Sunnis believe that Muhammad left no legitimate heirs and that his successor should be elected by a vote among the people of the Islamic community. The majority of Muslims are Sunnis, who form the most radical side of Islam.

the shiites

The Shiite sects were formed by the followers of “Ali”, cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the legitimate successor to Islamic authority. The biggest conflicts between sects of Islam are of political origin.

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