Meaning of Early (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Early is an adverb of time and means what happens before or that it has a short duration.

Waking up early, for example, is getting out of bed in the early morning hours. As in the proverb "God helps those early in the morning", that is, those who get out of bed at daybreak.

Another popular saying also makes reference to the sooner: "sooner or later", which means anytime.

Arriving early for an appointment is arriving before the agreed time.

But the idea of ​​early can also vary depending on the culture where the subject lives, local habits and customs. For example: in small towns in the interior, waking up early is something between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning, at the first rays of the sun and when the rooster crows. In big cities, with a lot of traffic and busy life, getting to work early can be before 10am.

The word early also comes from the conjugation of the verb to give: "I give in to his whims". Giving in means giving up, accepting an inferior or less privileged position, giving up something conflicting.

early in english is early.

The antonym of early is late.

Synonyms for Early

  • Soon
  • Quickly
  • prematurely
  • Quickly
  • In advance
  • Ahead of time
  • at dawn
  • at dawn

Early or Sedo

Cedo and Sedo exist in the Portuguese language, but with different meanings.

When you want to talk about what happens ahead of time or in the morning, it's early with c.

If the idea is to conjugate the verb to give, we also speak early with c.

When it is a conjugation of the verb sedar, in the first person present tense, it is sedo with s. As in the phrase: "I be my patients 30 minutes before the procedure", and it means to calm or soothe with medication.

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