Syllable separation: rules, how to do it and exercises

word: idea
syllabic separation: i-gave it
wrapping: not possible.

word: atlantic
syllabic separation: a-tlan-ti-co
translineation: atlan-/tic or atlan-/co

I grow

It separates because the digraph "sç" must be separated. It is different from the digraph "ch", which does not separate (cha-ve).


We separate the cluster of "bl" because in this case it is not a perfect consonant cluster. This is different from what happens with the word cognition (letter b above), where "gn" is not a perfect consonant cluster (cog-ni-tion).


The cluster of "gn" is not separated because in this case it is a perfect consonant cluster. This is different from the word underline, where "bl" is a perfect consonant cluster (underline).


It does not separate because it is a diphthong, vowel "a" plus semivowel "u" ​​(V + SV), a descending diphthong.

Alternative c: noise, saudade, still, health (ru-í-do, sau-da-de, a-in-da, sa-ú-de)

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) filled, left, slept, night (en-chi-am, left, dor-miu, night)

b) made, first, grow, creep (made, first, grow, creep)
d) they were, clothes, theirs, appeared (they were, clothes, su-a, appeared)
e) day, felt, heard, blonde (di-a, felt-it, heard-saw, blonde)

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