Meaning of Emblematic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Emblematic is an adjective in the Portuguese language used what refers or corresponds to the emblem: emblematic status of the monarchy. Emblematic is also that which has the property or particularity of an emblem; symbolic in character.

The word emblem originated from the greek emblem, which means "what's inside" or "what's closed". Therefore, that is why emblematic has the meaning of "something out of the ordinary" or "remarkable".

Adopting a figurative sense, the word emblematic is most commonly used in cases where symbolic situations or persons are described. Example: "The Christ the Redeemer is an emblematic figure of Rio de Janeiro", that is, the Christ the Redeemer is an important symbol of representation of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

One emblematic fact is considered something exceptional, which, being original, serves as an example for other types of situations. However, the word emblematic has already entered the list of terms that are considered buzzwords, because of its indiscriminate and unreasonable use.

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Synonyms for emblematic

  • allegorical
  • symbolic
  • umbratile
  • representative
  • metaphorical
  • typical
  • model
  • unusual

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