Meaning of Accomplishing (What it is, Concept and Definition)

to achieve is trick, lie or take advantage.

According to Portuguese language dictionaries, the verb to achieve also has the meaning of enjoy, or achieve something. To be successful means to gain something, to reach a goal. But its most common use in Brazil is about deceiving.

In Spanish, to achieve is used with the meaning of achieving or achieving. For example:

"I believe you will succeed", which can be translated as "I believe you will make it".

to achieve come from the latin profit, which means to win. With their direct origin in the same root as the word profit, the two have very similar meanings, with differences in connotation.

At the root of the word, its initial letters would be formed by the prefix lau, which corresponded in Latin to the idea of ​​greed.

Profit, in modern Portuguese, took its meaning closer to income on something or success. While succeeding, it starts to correspond by taking advantage in order to obtain profit.

The noun street is what can be achieved or enjoyed. But in Brazil, the most common use for the word public place is as a public space that is part of an address, such as the street, avenue, square, and so on.

See more about the meaning of Public place.

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