Thematic vowel: concept and examples

The thematic vowel is the vowel that joins the radical of word. The function of this word-forming morpheme is to link the stem to the endings, thus forming the theme.

remember that the radical is a morphic element that contains the basic meaning of words.


iron– iron root, hardware, rust, etc.

At endings are morphemes that indicate the inflections of words (number, gender, person, mood and tense). They are added at the end of terms and can be nominal or verbal.


friendO – friendThe (nominal gender endings)

Finally, the theme is the union of the radical with the thematic vowel, for example: studies, where study– is the radical and the –The is the thematic vowel.


Thematic vowel can be verbal or nominal.

Verbal: according to the verb conjugations, we have three types of thematic vowels.

  • 1st conjugation is the "The”, for example: andTheohTher, falThea.
  • 2nd conjugation is the "and”, for example: sellandr, withandr, tanda.
  • 3rd conjugation is the "i”, for example, sair, partir, sleepia.

Note: there are exceptions that are called forms athematics. In verbs these forms occur in the present tense of the subjunctive, for example:

  • 1st conjugation: sing - sing/e
  • 2nd conjugation: sale - sale
  • 3rd conjugation: part - part/a

Nominal: present in noun names, they are classified into three types:

  • The vowel "The”: nouns ending in “a”, for example, casThe, choiceThe and saltThe.
  • The vowel "O”: nouns ending in “o”, eg pratO, copO and freeO.
  • The vowel "and”: nouns ending in “and”, for example, controland, luckyand and potand.

Note: words ending in stressed vowels do not have a thematic vowel, for example: café, sofa, popsicle, cajá, etc. They represent the shapes "athematics”. Thus, nominal thematic vowels are present only in unstressed names.

Liaison Member

Important not to confuse the thematic vowel with the call connecting vowel. This is to help the pronunciation of some words in the language, for example: bananeifrog.

In addition to the connecting vowel, there is the connecting consonant and it has the same objective: to facilitate the pronunciation of words, for example: chatherethreshing floor.

Fell in the Entrance Exam!

(FGV-RJ) Tick the item in which there is an error regarding the analysis of the verbal form we sang:

a) cant- is radical
b) -á- is thematic vowel
c) sing- it's the theme
d) -va- is an imperfect past tense ending of the subjunctive
e) -mos is 1st person plural ending

Alternative d: -va- is subjunctive past tense ending

Read too:

  • Word Structure
  • Word Formation
  • morphemes
  • Endings
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