What are phonemes?

Phonemes are the sounds that represent each letter - the graphic signs of our language, that is, phonemes are sound units.

For example, the word “fixed” is pronounced as follows:

/f/ /i/ /k/ /s/ /o/

Note that it has 4 letters, but 5 phonemes, which is the number of sounds made in this word, which are represented by slashes ( // ).

Phoneme Examples

/t/ /a/ /k/ /s/ /i/
The word taxi has 4 letters and 5 phonemes.

/b/ /ẽ/
The word well has 3 letters and 2 phonemes.

A word that has 3 letters and 2 phonemes.

/gu/ /e/ rr/ /a/
The word war has 6 letters and 4 phonemes.

/t/ /ã/ /b/ /ẽ/
The word well has 6 letters and 4 phonemes.

The word red has 8 letters and 7 phonemes.

/e/ /l/ /i / w/ /e/
The word helix has 6 letters and 5 phonemes.

/s/ ã/ /gu/ /e/
The word blood has 6 letters and 4 phonemes.

The word skin has 4 letters and 4 phonemes.

/v/ /ẽ/ /t/ /i/ /l/ /a/ d/ /o/ /r/
The word skin has 10 letters and 9 phonemes.

The word school has 6 letters and 6 phonemes.

The word car has 5 letters and 4 phonemes.

The word book has 5 letters and 5 phonemes.

The word cheese has 6 letters and 5 phonemes.

/qu/ /ã/ /d/ /o/
The word when has 6 letters and 4 phonemes.

The word keychain has 8 letters and 7 phonemes.

The word earth has 5 letters and 4 phonemes.

Phoneme classification

Phonemes are classified into: vowels, semivowels and consonants.

At vowels are phonemes that cause the vocal cords to vibrate and are pronounced without any hindrance, acting as the base of the syllables, for example:

  • sa-po = /s/ /a/ /p/ /o/
  • bo-la = /b/ /o/ /l/ /a/
  • pi-pa = /p/ /i/ /p/ /a/

At semivowels are the phonemes /i/ and /u/ that join a vowel to form a syllable, for example:

  • bai-le = /b/ /a/ /i/ /l/ /e/
  • plank = /t/ /a/ /b/ /u/ /a/
  • king = /r/ /e/ /i/

At consonants are phonemes that find obstacles to be pronounced and only form a syllable when accompanied by a vowel, for example:

  • if it = /s/ /e/ /l/ /o/
  • a-mor = /a/ /m/ /o/ /r/
  • vi-si-ta = /v/ /i/ /z/ /i/ /t/ /a/

For you to understand better:

vowel, semivowel and consonant

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