Profit is what is earned from something or someone; the yield; a privilege or advantage over something. Profit is considered to be all the positive income obtained through a trade...
Ojeriza means disgust or disgust for anything that causes this disturbance. It is classified as an emotion that involves a spontaneous and very characteristic facial expression. It's possible...
Security is the feminine noun meaning the act or effect of holding. It can also be synonymous with trust, assurance, firmness, stability and certainty. In the military field, security consists of...
Civil majority is the minimum age defined by law for a person to begin to enjoy their rights and be held responsible for their actions. In Brazil, it is reached from the age of 18...
Frugal is an adjective that qualifies one who is restrained, simple and modest. It is used to characterize someone who saves something, a prudent and economical person in the use of consumable resources, such as,...
The acronym OECD stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is an international organization, made up of 34 countries and headquartered in Paris, France. The OECD aims to promote...
Mutual respect is an expression that defines the relationship of respect between two or more individuals; mutual respect. Mutual respect is a principle of human coexistence that should be considered as a basis...
Chan is a form of treatment typical of the Japanese language, used when there is a very affectionate relationship between two people. Literally, the suffix chan can be translated as “sweetheart”,...
Consideration is a feminine noun meaning the act or effect of considering. By considering we mean both the action of reflecting on something, or having respect for a person. Example: "I have a lot...
Falsehood is a characteristic of what is false, which is contrary to truth or reality. The meaning of falsehood is related to everything that concerns lying, slander,...
Welfare is the act of predicting, with the objective of previously avoiding certain situations or inconveniences that are unwanted for the individual. From the popular point of view, social security is the...
By is an English language preposition which in Portuguese means by, close to, beside. However, it can take on different meanings that vary according to the situation. Some of the situations...
Racism is a very important topic around the world. These books tell real or fictional stories addressing the topic of racism and are recommended for anyone who wants to better understand the...
Manifesto is a textual genre that consists of a kind of formal, persuasive and public statement for the transmission of opinions, decisions, intentions and ideas. Usually of a political nature, a...
Early is the name given to something that is born, develops or happens before the expected time; referring to what arises or occurs in advance, outside the usual period. Etymologically, the term...