Latest Meanings (97)

Definition of Loyalty

Fidelity is a term originating from the Latin fidelis, which means an attitude of one who is faithful, one who is committed to what he assumes. It is a characteristic of one who is loyal, who is trustworthy,...

meaning of fear

Fear is an emotional state that arises in response to awareness of a potentially dangerous situation. The idea that something or something could threaten someone's safety or life makes the...

Definition of Monogamy

Monogamy is the condition of one who is monogamous, that is, who has only one partner. It is a form of marriage that takes place between a man and a woman. Monogamy occurs when an individual has only one...

Definition of global village

The concept of the global village was created in the 1960s by Canadian philosopher Marshall Mcluhan, then a professor at the School of Communications at the University of Toronto. According to this concept, the advance in...

Definition of fertility rate

The fertility rate is a demographic indicator that represents an estimate of how many children a woman has during her lifetime. It expresses the conditions of reproduction in a certain place. With this...

Definition of Epistemological

Epistemologico is an adjective from the Portuguese language, used to classify something that is related to epistemology. Epistemological comes from epistemology, which in a broad sense is synonymous with the theory of...

meaning of pervert

Perverted is an adjective in Portuguese, used to qualify something or someone who managed to become perverted; that expresses or is the target of perversion. An individual without morals, who is libertine and immoral;...

Meaning of Straight Poem

Poem em straight line is a work by Fernando Pessoa, signed by his heteronym Álvaro de Campos, written between 1914 and 1935. The poem speaks ironically about the hypocrisy of society, about people...

meaning of citizen

A citizen is an individual who lives in society - a group of individuals between which reciprocal relationships exist. Citizen is the inhabitant of the city, and has the right to enjoy their civil rights and...

Meaning of Benevolence

Benevolence is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin benevolentia, which expresses the quality of someone who is benevolent, that is, demonstrates affection and esteem towards someone. Benevolence...

meaning of modest

Modest is an adjective that qualifies one who is moderate in his desires, actions and aspirations, who is not ambitious. A modest individual is one who is simple, unpretentious, who has no vanity,...

Definition of Islamic State

Islamic State is a terrorist group formed by ultra-conservative Muslim jihadists, who are known for defending radical fundamentals of Islam. Also known as ISIS (Islamic State of...

Meaning of Income and Expenses

Income and expenses are terms of studies in accounting and finance in general, where it is taught that expenses are spent to directly or indirectly generate revenue, whether for individuals or...

meaning of female empowerment

Women's empowerment is the act of granting the power of social participation to women, ensuring that can be aware of the fight for their rights, such as full gender equality, for...

7 Occasions When an "I Love You" Doesn't Mean "I Love You"

Each word has its weight and “Eu Amo Te” is one of the heaviest, for sure! But calm down, don't be scared if your co-worker declares that he "loves you" during lunch, because the "I Love You"...

Philosophy and Sociology (4)

Meaning of the deductive methodDeductive method is an information analysis process that uses logi...

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Popular Meanings (6)

Definition of Professional EthicsProfessional ethics is the set of ethical norms that form the pr...

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Philosophy and Sociology (6)

Meaning of value judgmentValue judgment is a judgment made from individual perceptions, based on ...

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