Latest Meanings (94)

meaning of llama

The llama (scientific name: Lama glama ) is a mammal of the camel family ( camelidae ), of the order Artiodactyla. They are domesticable animals and can be found in the Andean countries of South America,...

Definition of Bimester

Bimester is a period of time that corresponds to two consecutive months. As a year has 12 months, there are 6 bimonths over that period. Other time units that are usually measured in months...

meaning of playfulness

Playfulness is a term used in early childhood education and it originates from the Latin word "ludus", which means game. The concept of playfulness comprises games and games, but it is not restricted to...

Definition of Informational Capitalism

Informational capitalism, also called cognitive capitalism, is a concept created by Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells in his book "A Sociedade em Rede", published in 1996. Capitalism...

Definition of net income

Net profit is an indicator of the profitability of a company or an investment. This profit corresponds to the entire amount of revenue, minus all costs arising from the activity. That is, the net profit is...

Definition of Excluded from illegality

The illegality exclusions are some hypotheses that allow the practice of an illegal act to not be treated as a crime. An action that is considered a crime, when it is performed in a situation...

Definition of Public servant

A civil servant is an employee of the public administration, who has an employment relationship with agencies that are part of the State. He holds public office and provides services directly to the State...

Definition of Concretism

Concretism is a Brazilian artistic movement that was inspired by the abstract art of 20th century Europe and which had its greatest expression in poetry. Concretist poetry proposes the abolition of verse...

Definition of Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn

The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are imaginary lines parallel to the equator. The band around the Earth delimited by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn defines the "tropical latitudes" (or...

Definition of LED

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, which means “light emitting diode”. It consists of a light conduction technology, using electrical energy. The LED has the function of emitting light in places and...

Definition of Fail

Fail means to fail, in Portuguese, it is an American expression very used, meaning that the person lost, failed, failed, made a mistake or paid a monkey. This expression began to be used in...

meaning of atheist state

Atheist state is a concept of a nation where the government (the state) does not believe in the existence of God and any other deity or spiritual entity. There are many controversies involving the correct definition...

Definition of Racial Inequality

Racial inequality is the difference in life opportunities and conditions that occur as a result of a person's ethnicity. Blacks, Indians and mestizos - these are examples of groups facing challenges...

20 black personalities who changed the world

The history of Brazil and the world is full of examples of people who made a difference and who contributed to a more egalitarian world. They left their mark on politics, activism, music,...

Definition of open relationship

An open relationship is a type of relationship where two people are involved but are "open" to possible physical involvement with other people. In an open relationship, there is no sense...

Latest Meanings (61)

Cartesian planCartesian plane, also called orthogonal Cartesian system or coordinate plane, is a ...

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Popular Meanings (62)

Significance of the Pyramid of MaslowThe Maslow Pyramid or Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a conce...

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Popular Meanings (63)

meaning of mutualMutual is a masculine adjective that classifies something that happens reciproca...

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