Popular Meanings (54)

Definition of Prospecting

Prospecting is a word with origins in the Latin prospectione which means the action of prospecting or researching. It's a term from the realm of geology, which is used to describe the methods used to discover...

Definition of Social Vulnerability

Social vulnerability is the concept that characterizes the condition of groups of individuals that are on the margins of society, that is, people or families that are in the process of social exclusion,...

Meaning of INSS

INSS stands for National Institute of Social Security. It is an autarchy that was created in 1990 from the merger of the Institute of Financial Administration of Social Security and Social Assistance (IAPAS) with...

Definition of Typology

Typology is the science that studies types, intuitive and conceptual difference of model or basic forms. Typology is widely used in the area of ​​systematic studies, to define different categories...

Submission Meaning

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something; let passively dominate; a form of subordination, allegiance or servitude. Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders...

meaning of rural area

Rural area is the space included in the countryside. It is an undeveloped region, destined for agricultural and livestock activities, extractivism, rural tourism, forestry or environmental conservation. It's in...

What is density?

Density is a physical quantity that measures the concentration of matter in a body in a given volume. It is obtained by the ratio between body mass and volume and is measured in kg/m 3 in the System...

Meaning of Grant

Subsidy is an aid, a help, a contribution, a benefit. It is a monetary value fixed and granted by the State, or another corporation, for a work of benefit or public interest, which...

meaning of honor

Honor is a principle of human behavior that acts based on kind values, such as honesty, dignity, courage and other characteristics that are considered socially virtuous. O...

Definition of Orchid

Orchids are flowers that can signify love, authority, power, desire and seduction, depending on the color in question. This plant has a beautiful flower, which has many varieties and which are present in...

Definition of Mythology

Mythology is the story of supernatural characters, surrounded by symbology and venerated in the form of gods, demigods and heroes, who ruled the forces of nature, commanded lightning, winds, rivers, skies and...

Definition of Integrity

Integrity is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin integritate which means the quality or state of what is whole or complete. It is synonymous with honesty, uprightness, impartiality. In sense...

meaning of hosanna

Hosanna means “save us” and is a liturgical term, of Hebrew origin, and widely used in the Jewish and Catholic religions. Hosanna appears in several passages of the Bible, besides being used...

Definition of Back office

Back office, also called back office, are departments of a company that do not provide services. directly to a customer, usually the operational or managerial part and in the administrative area, are you...

meaning of maranatha

Maranatha is an expression of Aramaic origin that, when translated into Portuguese, has a similar meaning to "come, Lord" or "our Lord comes". Etymologically, the term "maranatha" emerged...

Latest Meanings (336)

meaning of kaputKaput is a slang meaning "broken", "ruined", "destroyed". It is a word derived fr...

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Latest Meanings (337)

Definition of GMTGMT is the English acronym for Greenwich Mean Time whose meaning in Portuguese i...

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Latest Meanings (338)

Definition of Stand UpStand up means standing up; get up. Stand up is also a type of humor show, ...

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