Meaning of Brinks (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Brinks is a word used as a diminutive of Just kidding. It has great popularity on the internet, especially among younger users.

When someone makes a mistake against another person, it is common to hear or read: "Be serious! You can only play with me!"

Furthermore, the word brinks can also be used to disguise something that someone wants to say but doesn't have the courage. for example: "One day I'll invite you to go to the movies with me... Brinks!"

Used to describe a joke, it's quite common to see the term "brinks" on social media and humor sites. For this reason, it is also possible to see the word brinks with a hashtag: #Brinks. In many cases this word is used as a form of provocation.

As this word is always used in an informal context, it is common to abbreviate the expression "estar de brinks" to "ta de brinks". Ex: I can't believe she just did that. She can only have toys!

Brinks and Brinks

Brinks is a word with a completely different meaning from the English word "brink". In English, brink

means "edge", and is used to describe when something or someone is close to something else, or when something is about to happen. For example: I'm scared because we are on the brink of war - I'm scared because we're on the brink of war.

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