Meaning of Bribery (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

bribe is a unlawful act consisting in the action of inducing someone to perform a certain act in exchange for money, material goods or other private benefits.

Under the law, bribery is defined as corruption crime in the Brazilian Penal Code, with penalties ranging between 2 (two) and 12 (twelve) years of imprisonment, if the suspect is convicted.

Bribery is considered to be any offer, payment or promise to a public authority, ruler, civil servant and other professionals in exchange for favors made by them that favors in a particular way the corrupter.

Example: "He bribed the judge to get a reprieve from his sentence".

In English, the word “bribery” can be translated to bribery or bribe.

Know the difference between the meaning of passive corruption and active corruption.

From a social point of view, bribery is a harmful practice that contributes to the destabilization of a society, whether in the economic, educational, cultural sphere, among others.

In Brazil, for example, the act of bribing is present in several social strata, from senior government positions to the daily relationships of society.

Synonyms of bribery

  • Corruption
  • grooming
  • Purchase
  • Ball
  • breast
  • Corruption
  • made
  • Bribe

See also: the meaning of Corruption.

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