Meaning of Lapse (What it is, Concept and Definition)

A lapse corresponds to an unintentional error.

Committing a lapse is when you make a mistake without the intention of doing: "I was wrong, sorry. It was a mistake on my part!".

A lapse, whether in speaking or writing, is seen as a lack of attention. For example, a memory lapse is a memory failure, that is, forgetting.

A lapse can also be an interval, this is called a time lapse. When it is said of a lapse in relation to a period of time, it is said that "a lapse of two weeks elapsed between the first and the second meeting".

Temporal lapse is also an expression in the area of ​​Law that indicates the occurrence of time in a process, from the initial term to the final term of a legal relationship.

A lapse can also be a sudden change in attitude. When someone has a lapse and starts behaving differently than usual.

Lapse can be a masculine noun or an adjective. As an adjective, the word lapse means guilty, that which committed a fault.

The antonym of lapse is attention, caution, care, and also rightness and certainty.

Lapse in Psychology

In psychology, the term is used as Freudian slip, or known by wrong act. It is a verbal error led by faults in memory, usually associated with the subconscious. A common misstep is to confuse the current spouse's name with the previous one, in which the old memory becomes more relevant at times of weakness, inattention, and mainly in which the subconscious is turned to those past memories, either by any reason. This is what psychoanalysis believes, as defined by Sigmund Freud.

Synonyms for Lapse

  • Gap
  • Break
  • Space
  • course
  • Gap
  • carelessness
  • Mistake

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