Meaning of Census and Sense (What it is, Concept and Definition)

census and sense are word homophones in Portuguese, that is, they have the same pronunciation, but they are written in a different way and the meanings of both are totally different.

The word census (with the letter "c") should be used in the context of representing a statistical dataset, useful to inform the different characteristics of the inhabitants of a city, a state or a country, for example.

In Brazil, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) is responsible for carrying out censuses in the national level, collecting information about Brazilians to help identify the living conditions of the population.

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The term sense (with the letter "s") means the reasoning, to judge or appreciate something, someone or something. When it is said that someone "has sense", it means that this person has understanding, prudence, discernment or a clear judgment about a situation.

The word sense can be used to express different meanings, depending on the context, such as

common sense, aesthetic sense, moral sense, ethical sense, common sense, sense of humor and so on.

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