Latest Meanings (177)

Definition of Lato

Lato is an adjective with Latin origin, meaning broad, vast, broad, extensive. This word serves to qualify something that extends both in the physical, temporal or intellectual scope. Ex: He has a...

meaning of range

Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numerical value of 3, and may also correspond to the letter G in the Latin alphabet. Gamma can be the meaning of a series of abstractions or concrete things...

Definition of Philosopher's Stone

Philosopher's Stone is a legendary object or substance with incredible powers, capable of turning any metal into gold. One of the goals of alchemy was the creation of the philosopher's stone. According to the legends, the...

Definition of Minutes

Minutes are a written record of all events and matters discussed during a meeting or other type of assembly. The minutes are configured as a textual modality of written language, used...

meaning of middle east

Middle East (or Middle East) is a region located on the Asian continent, bordering Europe and Africa. The Middle East is still bounded by the Black, Mediterranean, Red,...

meaning of secularity

Secularity is a feminine noun that designates the quality of something or someone who is secular. Secularity corresponds to a doctrine or a political system that defends the exclusion of the influence of...

Definition of Vertigo

Vertigo is a medical word that indicates the sensation of loss of balance. Regarding the etymology, vertigo comes from the Latin term vertigo, and therefore, in some cases, it is...

meaning of aura

Aura is the feminine noun that means breeze, breeze or gentle wind. It can also be a mystical or astrological concept, representing an energy field that involves a living being. In the scope...

Meaning of Pension

Welfare is the act of predicting, with the objective of previously avoiding certain situations or inconveniences that are unwanted for the individual. From the popular point of view, social security is the...

Definition of Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the feminine noun that means the science that studies techniques for the cultivation and reproduction of fish, algae, crustaceans or molluscs. You can also designate the treatment of lakes or rivers for...

Meaning of segregate

Segregate is a transitive verb that means to separate, separate, put aside, isolate, expel or expel. To segregate means to differentiate in order to disunite. It can also be synonymous with turning off,...

meaning of punk

Punk is a countercultural artistic movement, disseminated mainly through music and its ideology that defended anti-authoritarianism, anarchic freedom, opposition to consumerism, in between...

meaning of jpeg

JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographics Experts Group, is a method of compressing photographic images and is also considered to be a file format. The Joint Photographics Experts Group is the...

Definition of Weather

Intempérie is the feminine noun that means bad weather or storm. The word intempérie comes from the Latin term intemperies, with temperies referring to an ideal, good temperature, and in is a...

Meaning of informative text

Informative text is a textual production with information about a certain subject, which aims to clarify a person or group of people about this matter. Usually in prose, the text...

Latest Meanings (128)

Definition of PentagonPentagon is a geometric figure formed by five angles and sides. It is also ...

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Popular Meanings (128)

Definition of linguistic prejudiceLinguistic prejudice is discrimination between speakers of the ...

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Popular Meanings (129)

Meaning of EvidenceEvidence means something that is clear, highlighted, visible to everyone. Evid...

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