Latest Meanings (338)

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Definition of Stand Up

Stand up means standing up; get up. Stand up is also a type of humor show, where the individual performs standing up, that's why it receives its name. Stand up is a phrasal verb...

meaning of poker face

Poker Face means “poker face”, and designates the expression that poker players must have in order to be able to bluff in the game. The poker face is an empty expression, which shows no feeling,...

Definition of Standard

Standard means standard, norm. Standard is usually related to shape, eg standard shape, or standard shape, is when a certain object has the exact shapes and dimensions,...

meaning of ghetto

Ghetto is a region or neighborhood of a city where people of the same ethnic group reside, who left their country for various reasons. Ghetto is also used to designate any lifestyle or...

meaning of oppression

Oppression is the act of oppressing, suffocating, be it a person, an attitude, a community. Oppression can also be the use of violence to demonstrate authority, acts of tyranny, and it's a very associated term...

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meaning of gnome

Gnome is a being generated through nature, and can also be called enchanted. The gnome is also well known for being present in several stories and cartoons, mainly for...

meaning of futile

Futile is something devoid of interest, which has no value, or no importance; frivolous. Futile can also be used to characterize people, usually in a pejorative sense, or...

Definition of Odometer

Odometer, also called an odometer, is an instrument used to measure distances covered, and are quite common in cars. The odometer is normally on the vehicle's dashboard, marking...

meaning of shackles

Shackles is a metal chain, formed by rings, in the form of a padlock. Shackles can also be a gold cord, or handcuffs, for hands or feet. Another meaning for shackles is that of chain;...

Meaning of HTTP

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol which in Portuguese means "Hypertext Transfer Protocol". It is a communication protocol between information systems that allows the transfer...

Definition of Psychedelic

Psychedelic is a manifestation of the mind, and the term emerged in the 1960s when hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD appeared, which alter perception and produce various effects. Psychedelic is a term of...

Definition of QR CODE

QR code, or QR code, is the acronym for "Quick Response" which means quick response. QR code is a barcode, which was created in 1994, and has this name because it gives the ability to be interpreted...

Definition of Outback

Outback is a large, arid area of ​​Australia, but it can also be used to designate any other land outside major urban areas. Outback means everything behind,...

Definition of Quilombo

Quilombo were villages that sheltered slaves who fled from farms and family homes, and is a term of Angolan origin. The slaves went to the quilombos not to be found, because where they lived...

meaning of nasty

Torpe means dishonest, shameful. Disgrace is listed as a motive for various things, such as crimes, homicides, suicides, and so on. Nasty is disgusting, indecent, infamous and shameless. A nasty crime is...

Expressions in English (12)

Definition of EasyEasy is an English word whose Portuguese translation is "easy". Most of the tim...

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Rosimar Gouveia (Mathematics and Physics Teacher)

She started her professional career at age 16 as an tutor, an activity that she performed until f...

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Expressions in English (14)

meaning of dustDuster is an English language noun derived from the word “dust” meaning dust or du...

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