Skank is a term derived from the word Ska, which is a musical genre natural to Jamaica. Skank is a musical rhythm that started in the 80's, which combines various genres of music, such as songs...
Krishna means black or dark in Sanskrit, which is an Indian language. Krishna is a personified goddess of Hinduism, the representative of the manifestations of the Supreme God in the world, according to tradition...
Obtuse is an angle whose measurement is between 90° and 180°, and is a term from the mathematical field. Obtuse is also used in a pejorative sense, as an ignorant and insensitive person. In the area of...
Mulambo, or molambo, means farrapo, and is a term of Angolan origin. Mulambo first appeared with slaves, at the time of slavery, and then began to be used in a pejorative sense, to...
Origami is a Japanese technique, an art of paper folding, and has been around for over a century, living up to it. to the meaning of the term, which is to make folds of paper, without cuts or glues, to create objects and...
LTE stands for Long Term Evolution (in Portuguese "Long Term Evolution") whose meaning refers to a mobile telephony technology also known as 4G (fourth generation). LTE is a standard of...
Smurfs are blue characters from a cartoon of the same name, created by a Belgian illustrator, in 1958. Smurfs are little monsters that live in mushroom-shaped houses in a village in the...
IBM is the acronym for International Business Machines, which means International Business Machines, and is an American company that works with products aimed at the information technology area, such as...
The fulcrum means support, support, something or an individual. A fulcrum can also be a fulcrum for a lever, and even a spike on which something turns. Fulcrum is also used in the area of...
Hesitating is the act of not being sure about something, what action should be taken. To hesitate is to have doubts, to have difficulties in knowing what to do, which path to follow. Hesitating is a...
Jedi, pronounced jedai, are guardians of the good side of the force, and are fictional characters from the Star Wars series and movie. Jedi are knights with special powers, who could touch with strength and drive away...
Oasis is a small region, in a desert, which has the presence of water, and is where people can rest. Oasis is any place where you can enjoy calm and clothes, in addition to being a very...
MDF stands for Medium Density Fiberboard, which means medium density fiber board, and is an English term. MDF is an international acronym and is a material derived from wood, made with resins...
Iguaçu means big water, and is a term of Tupi-Guarani origin, a language of the Indians. Iguaçu is also the name of a river in the Brazilian state of Paraná, and borders Argentina. Exist...
Human is a word originating from the Latin humanus and designates what is related to Man as a species. The human being is distinguished from other animals by acting rationally. He has great mental capacity and...