Meaning of Survey (What it is, Concept and Definition)

survey is the probing, i.e, observe, analyze, watch or check something or something.

Normally, the survey is used to investigate, extensively and methodically, a certain environment, substance or situation, using some special equipment or methods.

In medicine, for example, the term “probing” is used in the sense of inserting a probe into the patient's body, in order to investigate some organs of the body and identify possible diseases.

It is also common to use soil and water surveys, techniques that allow the analysis of depth, composition, among other characteristics of each element.

Probing activities may be related to the espionage of someone or something. For example, secretly following a person, eavesdropping on their phone conversations, or reading their private messages are typical features of a survey.

However, these acts can be considered an invasion of privacy when they are presented in an abusive way.

Surveys also often refer to tracking and researching samples to determine how most people tend to be on a particular subject or phenomenon.

This same method can be applied in several examples, such as the electoral opinion polls, which help to identify voters' voting preference.

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