ethnicity means group that is culturally homogeneous. from the greek ethnos, people who have the same ethos, custom, and also has the same origin, culture, language, religion, etc.
The term ethnicity is not synonymous with race. The word race has fallen into disuse by the scientific community when it corresponds to different human groups. The idea of ethnicity is a different concept from the social notion of race that was used until the mid-twentieth century, and encompasses more cultural aspects.
Learn more about the meaning of Breed and the difference between race and ethnicity.
Ethnicity, or ethnic group, shares a cultural uniformity, with the same traditions, knowledge, techniques, skills, language and behavior.
Ethnicity researchers also consider genetic traits to be ethnic. The idea is not a consensus, but it is mainly understood as part of the individual's social construction. For example, Japanese descendants in Brazil who feel that they belong to the Japanese ethnic group because they have eyes that are characteristic of the Orientals in that region, or the Afro-descendants who identify with African ethnic groups through physical aspects that go beyond skin color, and also include the shape of the nose, teeth, structure body, and so on.
We can classify Muslims, Jews, Japanese as ethnic groups in the world, as well as smaller groups with cultural characteristics very close to its neighbors, such as the hundreds of African ethnicities that share the same territory.
See also the meaning of stereotype.
Some authors claim that the term ethnicity arose in Israel, at the time portrayed in the Old Testament of the Bible. The followers of Judaism used the term ethnos to describe non-Jews. Scholars believe that in the New Testament, after Jesus' resurrection and ascension, this term was used to describe people who did not had been evangelized, and these were often excluded and belittled by those who had already gone through the process of evangelization.
Ethnicity is an expression that is also used in a pejorative way and may reveal prejudice against a particular social group, or to show excluded people who are a minority. In Brazil, the expression "Polish", from the Polish polak, in pole, countryside, rural area, was used in a pejorative sense, however, since the end of the 19th century "Polish" has been replaced by "Polish".
Brazilian ethnicities
Brazilian ethnicities are varied, with direct influence from the immigration process that the country has undergone. Among the types of ethnic groups that make up the Brazilian ethnic groups, there are black Africans, the Portuguese, Dutch, Italians, Japanese, Arabs, in addition to the indigenous natives of our territory.
know what it is cultural identity.