Nth is the number that occupies a position n within a sequence, and can assume any value as an ordinal number. It is a variable in mathematics and physics, and its value will depend on...
Pneumatic is what is related to air or machines operated by compressed air. It also concerns the functioning of the lung. Pneumatics is the science that studies mechanical systems...
Reiteration is the act of repeating or reiterating, an effect that causes a repetition. This noun conveys the idea of something or something that is recurrent, that is, that it happened again. In the scope...
“Half pigeon” is a meme used to express the idea of something boring, unexciting, bad and uninteresting. This expression became a meme from a phrase said by the character Jessica, in a...
Degradation is the act of degrading, that is, destroying, devastating, spoiling or harming. Usually, this term is associated with the concept of environmental degradation, which consists of a series of harmful actions...
Multifaceted is the characteristic of something or someone that has many facets, that is, different faces, angles and sides. When it is said that something is multifaceted, the intention is to express the...
Curriculum Lattes is a curriculum prepared in accordance with the standards of the Lattes Platform, managed by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). The Lattes Platform is the result of...
Ebullition is the change from a liquid to a gaseous state, being an endothermic physical phenomenon of interest to the disciplines of Physics and Chemistry. An example of boiling is boiling water. The Point of...
Natural sciences are scientific subjects destined to the study of the general and fundamental characteristics of nature, as well as all the natural laws and rules that govern it. From the point of view of...
Folha Race is the same as a criminal record certificate, a document issued by the police and proving the absence of criminal records of a particular individual. The so-called leaflet...
Vaporization is the action that converts liquid into vapor. In physics, vaporization is one of the changes in the physical state of matter, from liquid to gas. The inverse of vaporization, that is to say...
Evaporation is a concept in the field of Physics, which refers to the act of evaporating, that is, the reduction of a liquid to a vapor state. Originating from the Latin term evaporare, and according to Physics, the...
Et al is the abbreviation of a Latin expression meaning "and others". The et al reduction serves three Latin expressions of the same meaning: et alii (masculine plural), et aliae (feminine plural) and et...
Linear is what is arranged in line. It comes from the Latin linearis, which has its origin in linea, which is line. In Mathematics, it is the element that is represented by a straight line and is made by lines...
Unblemished is that which has not been touched, which is pure. The adjective unblemished comes from the Latin illibatus, which means what is clean. It is the combination of the prefix in, which indicates negation, with the word libare, which...