Meaning of Tapera (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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OK wait is a word of indigenous origin that means "old house" or "abandoned village".

Etymologically, the word "tapera" came from Tupi-Guarani tabawah, Where taba means "village"; and wah it means "extinct" or "abandoned".

The term tapera is used in some regions of Brazil as a synonym for "ugly place" or "abandoned and destroyed space", for example: "My grandfather's farm is a shack."

In the form of a typical Brazilian adjective, tapera can also be the name given to an individual who does not have one or both eyes.

Among the various existing regionalisms in Brazil, the word undergoes changes in its meaning. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, for example, tapera is an expression used when it is said that there is no "happiness or joy in a house" or when there is "absence of well-being in the environment". Ex: "This house that always seemed to be a party, is now in a shack".

In the state of São Paulo, the word tapera is used as a synonym to describe someone crazy or dizzy.

The name OK wait it is also from a Brazilian municipality located in the northwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. With a population predominantly formed by descendants of Italians and Germans, the municipality of Tapera has a population of approximately 11,000 inhabitants.

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