Meaning of Flattery (What it is, Concept and Definition)

To flatter is a direct transitive verb in Portuguese, used in the sense of to practice adulation or flattery for the purpose of gaining something in return, as a reward.

Flattery – the act of flattering – is usually characterized by exaggeration of praise or affection.

Example: “The student is fawning over the teacher to get a good grade” or “The employee spends his days flattering the boss waiting for a salary increase”.

The sycophant – an individual who flatters – is seen as a profiteer and opportunist, as he uses false feelings to achieve his goals.

For this reason, the term “flattering” is considered pejorative.

Etymologically, this word originated from the Latin flattery, flattery or flatter, which means “carrying in the arms” or “carrying on the back”, in the sense of “helping someone”.

In English, the verb “to flatter” can be translated to I'm flatter.

Synonyms of flatter

  • flatter
  • Bajouja
  • Flag
  • Flatter

Antonyms of flatter

  • Criticize
  • depreciate
  • to brag
  • Minimize
  • Insult
  • devalue
  • belittle
  • Offend

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