Meaning of Remnant (What it is, Concept and Definition)

remnant is what's left, what remains or that remains.

In Portuguese, the term “remnant” can be classified as an adjective, relating to the quality of what is left over; or a masculine noun, referring to what is left over or what is left.

Example: "The remaining water flooded the houses” or “after drinking the juice, there was still ice left in the glass”.

In everyday modern life, the word remnant is present in many senses.

For example, when someone goes to the ATM and withdraws money, when the receipt is issued, the "remaining balance" of the bank account always appears, that is, how much money is left in the Bank.

remnant in the bible

The Christian bible mentions the idea of "remaining faithful".

In this case, the remnants are the people who resisted the temptations of the sinful world, not misrepresented or paganized. The remnants in the bible are the people who remain in the faith in God.

Synonyms of remnant

  • Rest
  • Remaining
  • leftover
  • leftover
  • Thing
  • Surplus
  • Excess
  • too much

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